You know how annoying trading is at runescape, finding individuals to sell to/buy out of, then getting them to really observe that you would like RS gold to exchange, then finally negotiating a price and receiving your things after about 15min of grueling noobery from the trade spammers that live in the overcrowded banks of worlds 1 through 10. You know? It would be much simpler if you merely centralized it to one npc, call it an auctioneer.
You take your product to the auction house, and set a price to allow it to sell at. You pay half of the very low alch worth of the item t put your thing on the industry. You recieve an Auction ticket (think bank notice ) of your item stating that you offered it, then you wait. If your product is sold within 24 hours, you'll find a small notification saying your product was sold, and OSRS buy gold you may go back to the auction house with your auction ticket to pick up your money. If your product is not sold within 24 hours, you return to the auction house with your auction ticket and choose your items back, or wash and repeat.